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Roomer FAQs
I want to book a room
What reservation types does roomer offer?
What types of reservations does Roomer offer?
I’ve got a question about my room type
Can I cancel my reservation?
What’s Free Cancellation?
Can I cancel my reservation?
I have free cancellation, how do I cancel my reservation?
I've got a question about Security & Protection
What payment methods can I use to make a reservation?
How does Roomer secure my payment?
How does Roomer verify resold reservations?
How does Roomer protect my personal information?
Tell me more about RoomerFlex™
What is RoomerFlex™?
How do I get RoomerFlex™?
How do I activate RoomerFlex™?
When will I get my refund after I activate RoomerFlex™?
What are Roomer Credits?
What are Roomer credits?
Where can I find my Roomer credits?
How do I use my Roomer credits?
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